About Us

Please Rise Your Helping Hand

HelpingHand charity provides millions of people with a reliable & efficient way to support the causes in which they believe.

We know that you have big dreams for changing the world. You often want to help a whole cause, not just one nonprofit, while ensuring that your donation supports effective, reputable charities.

We developed America’s Charities Cause Funds with you in mind.

Support Can Make Impact

Our charity members, fully vetted by America’s Charities and focused on outcomes-based impact, are working on issues that are close to your heart, while using your donations in a way that makes sense to your head – and wallet.

Each Cause Fund includes two or more nonprofits that provide significant work to the cause. Each donation is split evenly between the organizations included in the Cause Fund.

Cause Funds enable you to give once and support many. Thank you for your generosity and interest. Together, we can change the world.

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Our Volunteer

Our vision is working with people to help the ones in need to find a way to solve their own dilemmas